A chronicle of right-wing violence.

Death threats in Erlangen

In September 2023, there was an AfD meeting in Erlangen’s “Angerwirt”, which was ended by a ban on gatherings imposed by the building cooperative owner during the meeting. Subsequently, the board of directors and the supervisory board clearly position themselves against AfD meetings in the rooms of the Erlangen building cooperative.

However, the owner subsequently receives insults and threats in his mailbox. Among other things, the threat “We have you on our list”, which we, as a counselling centre for right-wing violence, clearly regard as a clear death threat in the sense of an existing “death list” for political opponents.

Source: Nürnberger Nachrichten

Attempted murder on the Stone Bridge in Regensburg

Am Freitag, den 13. Oktober 2023, wurde ein 20-jähriger Mann von der Steinernen Brücke gestoßen. Der junge Syrer soll am Freitag, gegen 12.15 Uhr, aus dem Hinterhalt angegriffen und völlig unvermittelt von der Brücke gestoßen worden sein. Augenzeugen, die die Tat beobachteten, konnten einen 28-jährigen Mann festhalten, der von der Polizei festgenommen wurde. Bei dem Angreifer könnte es sich den Informationen der „Mitteldeutschen Zeitung“ zufolge um einen amtsbekannten Rechtsextremisten handeln. Demnach sei gegen den Mann vor etwa einem Jahr wegen Verwendens von Kennzeichen verfassungswidriger und terroristischer Organisationen ermittelt worden. Der Täter hatte laut Zeugen unmittelbar nach der Tat seinen rechten Arm zum Hitlergruß gehoben.

The 20-year-old victim was seriously injured when he fell onto a bridge pillar. He has since been able to leave the hospital. The police are investigating for attempted murder.




Mittelbayerische Zeitung 1 + Mittelbayerische Zeitung 2

Racist insults in road traffic

A witness observes a man driving in a car along Obere Seitenstrasse in Nuremberg on 13.09.2023. In the narrow street, a couple in a car takes the right of way. The driver, who was deprived of the right of way, suddenly shouts racist, inhuman things and drives very close to the other car with the 2 occupants. Another witness reports that the aggressive driver has already attracted his attention several times through racist statements and his behavior in the neighborhood.

Source: Witness

Right-wing slogans and attack with curtain rod

On the evening of 26.09.2023, a gathering took place in the city center of Erlangen under the motto “Parade for peace and self-determination”. Already here, the 41-year-old attracted the attention of passers-by, as he shouted right-wing slogans, including “Heil Hitler”. Later, a 16-year-old approached the man about his statements at around 8:15 p.m., whereupon he was insulted by him in a racist manner. Subsequently, the accused pulled out a curtain rod about 40 cm long and used it to strike the teenager. He was able to swerve and was not injured. The 41-year-old also insulted other passers-by in the same way.

The police officers who were called to the scene met the suspect on the spot and arrested him. According to the police report, the officers placed him “in a specialist clinic due to his mentally conspicuous condition.” The Commissariat for State Security of the Criminal Investigation Department of Erlangen is conducting further investigations, among other things, for attempted bodily harm, insult and use of signs of unconstitutional organizations.

Source: Infranken.de

A stone’s throw top candidates of Green Party

On Sunday evening, 17th of september 2023, an election campaign event of the Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen party took place on Neu-Ulm’s Petrusplatz. On the podium were the party’s top candidates, Katharina Schulze and Ludwig Hartmann. Around 7 p.m., a 44-year-old visitor threw a stone in the direction of the podium. Fortunately, he missed both speakers. The perpetrator was provisionally arrested at the venue, where he put up considerable resistance. The 44-year-old man is charged with attempted dangerous bodily harm after the incident. He also now has to answer for violations of the Assembly Act.

Source: police

Racist attack on 3 girls

On the way home from the Rosenheim Autumn Festival, three underage girls (13, 13, 15) were racially insulted by three adults on the evening of 31.08.2023. In addition, the police report that the girls were first jostled for no reason and then beaten.

A 27-year-old from Rosenheim rushed to the girls’ aid. The police were able to arrest two 36-year-old suspects on the spot. One of the men put up considerable resistance. The 3rd suspect was already no longer on site, but could be identified as a 24-year-old Rosenheim woman. According to police, the girls suffered injuries and shock and were picked up directly by their parents.

Source: PNP

Attack on social Center “Z”

“In the night from Saturday to Sunday (26.-27.08.2023), we, the Z – left center in Rosenheim, were once again smashed in the windows in the door. However, we will not be intimidated by such attacks and will continue as before.”

Source: Affected persons

For more than 11 years, the left-wing centre “Z” has provided emancipatory, socially and ecologically committed groups, initiatives and individuals in the Upper Bavarian hinterland with a free space for solidarity and left-wing political work. In order to continue to preserve this space and, among other things, to repair the damage caused, here is a small appeal for donations:

The Z is financed exclusively on the basis of donations / through membership fees.

For example, become a sustaining member or donate a small amount (preferably monthly).


IBAN: DE75 4306 0967 2031 5923 01 (account holder: VKKW)


Keyword: Z Rosenheim

Song of far-right band in pub

“I had been a regular guest at a bar in Deggendorf since the early summer of 2017. At the time of my first visit (and unbroken until my last one in July and August of the present year), the musical repertoire of the latter included the song “Wonderful Years” by the right-wing extremist band “Sleipnir”.
The fact that it is a piece of this group has only been known to me for a few days. It was only through a tip from another person that I became aware of the political background of the play.
So my concern is not about an act of violence in the strict sense. Nevertheless, I would like to bring the situation to your attention in this way, because in my opinion it represents a risk of radicalization (insofar as contact with songs by right-wing extremist music groups, which at first glance seem apolitical, can easily become the starting point for a deeper entry into the scene) and not least for this reason deserves public attention.”

Source: witness

Racist attack at the village festival

At the beginning of August 2022, a man racially insulted two men at a village festival in Unterknöringen (Burgau) and injured one of them in the head. According to the police, the now 32-year-old committed a punch and a throw with a beer mug. At the perpetrator’s home, the police find a brass knuckle duster and cartridges. There was a court date in August 2023. The defendant was sentenced to 150 daily fines of 50 euros each.

Source: Augsburger Allgemeine

Attack after CSD visit

After attending Christopher Street Day on 15th of july 2023, six people in Bayreuth were insulted and attacked in a queer-hostile manner. A group of about ten men insulted several participants on Saturday evening at around 8 p.m. in the aftermath of Christopher Street Day, initially at the central bus stop in Bayreuth. When the six people ran in the direction of Hohenzollernring, the unknown perpetrators chased them, spat on them and tried to injure them by kicking.

Source: police