Chronik: Hersbruck

Damage in the context of the art competition of the Hersbruck Concentration Camp Documentation Center

Over a period of two months in July and August 2022, unknown perpetrators damaged or stole exhibits of the art competition “ErinnerungsRÄUME” at least seven times. The competition with the subtitle “Places of Suffering and Crime – Commitment to Humanity” was announced by the Hersbruck Concentration Camp Documentation Centre Association and is intended to commemorate the former concentration camp in Hersbruck. 40 artists and schools took part in the art project – many of them with sculptures and objects. These were exhibited at five different locations in Hersbruck and the surrounding area. The project manager of the competition, Klaus Petersen, commented in a first statement: “We assume that the damage and destruction to the works of art is not a coincidence or mere vandalism, but a targeted action. We counter this with the great interest and support of many people in Hersbruck and the surrounding area. And we would also like to have conversations with people who are opposed to this project.” The last known stolen artwork is the work of the artist Adam Cmiel. He wanted to draw attention to the victims of fascism in the Happurg district of Schupf with different colored stones on poles in the forest.

Source: ErinnerungsRäume ,

Rassistische und antimuslimische Drohungen

In der Nacht zum 16.8.2021 sind am Haus einer Hersbruckerin antimuslimische und rassistische Schmierzettel angebracht worden. Die Anwohnerin fühlt sich bedroht und hat Anzeige erstattet. Die Türkische Gemeinde in der Metropolregion Nürnberg (TGMN) ist ebenfalls besorgt über diesen Fall von antimuslimischem Rassismus und Islamfeindlichkeit im Nürnberger Land. Bereits im März 2020 wurden u.a. ein Moscheeverein und verschiedene Politiker*innen im Nürnberger Land durch die mittlerweile verurteilte Rechtsterroristin Susanne G. bedroht. Die Türkische Gemeinde stellt nun diese erneuten Drohungen in einen Zusammenhang mit einem ‚mutmaßlich in Mittelfranken vorhandenen Netzwerk von Neonazis‘.

Quelle: BR