An illustration of a counselling session. On the right, a person affected by right-wing violence, with a family member sitting next to them on the left. Across from them sits a counsellor from B.U.D.


¹ except for Munich. The contact point for Munich is BEFORE.

We are the independent point of contact for victims of right-wing, rasict & anti-Semitic violence in Bavaria¹.

Our offer.

How we support victims of right-wing violence.

We counsel victims, their personal environment and witnesses of right-wing, racist and anti-Semitic violence after an assault. Our counselling is free of charge, confidential and anonymous, upon request. We are an independent centre and provide our services regardless of whether you have filed a report with the police or other authorities. Our counsellors can visit you anywhere in Bavaria, meaning you get to determine where the conversation takes place; we can also provide language mediators if necessary. We take our cue from your needs – you determine the support you need.


We counsel victims, their friends and families as well as witnesses of right-wing, racist and anti-Semitic violence after an assault.


We support victims and their families practically and politically depending on their individual needs.


We provide information on right-wing violence and document according incidents in Bavaria.

Secure and anonymous.

We provide immediate aid.

Donations for B.U.D. e.V.

Counselling for those affected by right-wing violence must remain independent and free of charge. Support the supporting association B.U.D. e.V. with your donation or a supporting membership.

Report an incident

Have you been assaulted? Do you know someone who has been assaulted
Do you know someone who has been assaulted or have you witnessed an assault?
If so, you can report the incident here.

About us and our network.

Find out more.

About us.

Find out what B.U.D. Bayern stands for and what our goals are.

Our network.

We are part of a network of regional and national counselling centres.


Here you can find the latest news, press releases and updates from our counselling centre as well as from the umbrella organisation for counselling centres, VBRG.

What is right-wing violence?

Right-wing violence is more than physical assaults by organised neo-Nazis;
it manifests in many different ways.

What to do in the event of a right-wing assault.

Right-wing assaults are usually completely unexpected.
We have provided some recommendations on what you can do during and after an assault.

Information material.

Hier finden Sie Flyer, Ratgeber, Publikationen und weiterführende Links zum Umgang mit rechter Gewalt. Gerne können auch Materialien versandkostenfrei bestellt werden.

Up-to-date and informative.


Here you can find the latest news. We make every effort to translate all our content, including reports on incidents of right-wing violence, into English. However, due to limited resources, our news are not translated. We appreciate your understanding.