Secure and anonymous.

Our online counselling

Besides providing in-person counselling at a location of your choice, we also offer online counselling services. The SupportCompass app allows you to contact our consultants quickly and easily via chat.

Illustration: Zwei Sprechblasen in orange und grau, die sich überschneiden. Die Illustration steht für Beratung nach einem rechten Angriff.

When using the SupportCompass app, encrypted communication takes place between you and a permanent person from the consulting team. and it is possible to switch to counselling by phone, video or in person at a location of your choice for further conversations at any time. We also offer online counselling services in English

and can provide language mediators if necessary.


services available at any address throughout Bavaria, even in times of corona

secure thanks to encryption; anonymous and free of charge

all inquiries are handled swiftly within 24 hours (Monday to Friday)

services available in German and English


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Here you can download SupportCompass for Android operating system.

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Here you can download SupportCompass for iOS operating system.

Illustration über die Bereiche der Beratung nach einem rechten Angriff: Drei Sprechblasen überschneiden sich. Eine orangene Sprechblase steht für den Bereich Beratung. Eine rosa Sprechblase steht für den Bereich Unterstützung. Eine blaue Sprechblase steht für den Bereich Dokumentation.

Our offer.

How we support victims of right-wing violence.


We counsel victims, their friends and families as well as witnesses of right-wing, racist and anti-Semitic violence after an assault.


We support victims and their families practically and politically depending on their individual needs.


We provide information on right-wing violence and document according incidents in Bavaria.