Independent, throughout Bavaria.


We provide information on right-wing, racist and anti-Semitic violence and document according assaults and incidents in Bavaria.

Illustration für die Dokumentation rechter Gewalt in Bayern. Megafon mit Statistiken, Notizen und Stift.

Making right-wing violence visible.

Strengthening social awareness.

Often times, the misanthropic motives of an offence are not recognised by the environment and individual authorities. The consequences of the assault are ignored or played down; sometimes, victims are even expected to shoulder some of the blame. The offenders are the only ones who are responsible for their deeds.

That is why we feel it is our duty to strengthen social awareness on the extent and consequences of right-wing violence. With our work in the field of public relations and by hosting events, we aim to add the victim’s perspective to the societal discourse.

We also document incidents of right-wing, racist and anti-Semitic violence in Bavaria to provide independent statistics that depict the actual extent of right-wing violence.

What to do in the event of a right-wing assault.

Right-wing assaults are usually unexpected. We have provided some recommendations on what you can do during and after an assault.

Report an incident

Have you been assaulted? Do you know someone who has been assaulted or have you witnessed an assault? If so, you can report the incident here.

The offenders are the only ones who are responsible for their deeds. The victims deserve our solidarity and support.

A chronicle of right-wing violence.

The Bavaria-wide chronicle is based on incident reports, notifications from various cooperation partners as well as on regular evaluations of newspapers, police reports and internet sources. Additionally, clients can publish their experiences here, if they wish to do so.

The chronicle is incomplete and merely contains right-wing incidents that were reported to B.U.D. As a rule, the same documentation criteria that apply to the statistics kept by B.U.D. also apply to the chronicle; in addition, we record insults, graffitti and simple vandalism in the B.U.D. chronicle if we can assume that right-wing motives are behind the offence – and to make developments in bavarian right wing structures visible.

Incidents of right-wing violence are not published in the chronicle if the victims do not wish them to be published here. Our annual statistics, on the other hand, contain every documented incident of right-wing violence.

Besides the Bavaria-wide B.U.D. chronicle, you can find a detailed collection of all incidents of right-wing assaults, activities and discrimination reported in Munich at (German only; translates to “The Munich Chronicle). The Munich Chronicle is a joint project of FIRM, a.i.d.a. and BEFORE. In addition, RIAS Bayern documents antisemitic incidents throughout Bavaria. Their corresponding chronicle can be found here.

“singing” of extreme right-wing slogans

In recent weeks, there have been several incidents in which right-wing slogans were sung to the song “L’amour toujours” by Gigi D’Agostino. The slogans were spread on 8th of february 2024 by the „rural youth Hohenfurch“ at the carnival parade in Landsberg am Lech and on 24th of february 2024 by an unknown group of people in a restaurant in Höchstadt a. d. Aisch.

Back in January 2024, there were similar scenes in a discotheque following the AfD party congress in Greding. In particular, the AfD members of the state parliament Benjamin Nolte and Franz Schmid were involved. Schmid has been elected as the new state chairman of the Young Alternative (JA) Bavaria, the extreme right-wing youth organization of the AfD.





Extreme right-wing slogans and threats

On one of the nights between January 31st and February 2nd 2024, extreme right-wing slogans and a threat against a group of local anti-fascists were sprayed on the outer wall of the “Stadtbahnhof”, a cultural center in Schweinfurt. Publicly, the Stadtbahnhof clearly positions itself as anti-fascist.

Source: Affected persons

Documentation criteria for right-wing violence.

Before being documented in the B.U.D. statistics, incidents are classified according to a fixed set of common criteria determined by our umbrella organisation, VBRG. These criteria are based on the standardised national police definition system, which determines Politically Motivated Crimes, also known in Germany as the Thematic Field of Hate Crime.

According to this system, a crime is considered politically motivated “if, considering the circumstances of the offence1 and/or the offender’s views, there is indication that said offence (…) was committed against a person

  • because of their assumed or actual political position and/or views and/or commitment;
  • nationality, ethnicity, skin colour;
  • religious affiliation, world view;
  • social status, physical and/or mental disabilities or impairments;
  • sexual orientation and/or sexual identity;
  • or outer appearance;

and if there was thus a causal connection between the offence and any of the above and/or the offence was directed at an institution or an object in this context.” (Bundeskriminalamt 2016: Definitionssystem Politisch motivierte Kriminalität [Definition system for politically motivated crimes], p. 5).

Footnote 1 emphasises: “When considering the circumstances of the offence, the victim’s perspective needs to be included, besides other aspects.”

Accordingly, the B.U.D. statistics record:

offences that aimed to or succeeded in causing persons physical harm;

vandalism and arson if these indirectly aimed to harm a specific group of persons;

coercion and threats with severe consequences for the victim;

if the injured parties, witnesses (or the police) attribute right-wing motives to the the offence and/or the circumstances of the offence.

The B.U.D. documentation differs from the definition of politically motivated crimes as stated above in two key aspects: for one, B.U.D. documentation includes threats, coercion and severe vandalism. At the same time, the victim’s perspective plays a central role in the documentation of right-wing violence by B.U.D.

Illustration zur Dokumentation rechter Gewalt in Bayern: Zwei gestapelte Blatt Papier. Darauf stehen mit ein Kurvendiagramm und ein Balkendiagramm. Eine Lupe vergrößert einen Teil des Balkendiagramms.

Annual statistics on right-wing violence in Bavaria.

Due to a lack in resources, B.U.D. has been unable to implement an actual, Bavaria-wide monitoring process and has therefore not been able to compile comprehensive annual statistics. Instead, we have published an annual report for each of the last four years.

2022 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report

2020 Annual Report

2019 Annual Report

2018 Annual Report

For more information and material on nation-wide statistics, please contact our umbrella organisation, VBRG e.V , or the respective homepages of counselling centres in the individual federal states [Länder].

Icon für Information

As B.U.D. continues to lack the necessary resources to monitor incidents throughout Bavaria, the actual extent of right-wing violence must be considered far higher than currently indicated in our annual reports.

Generally speaking, the number of reported incidents of right-wing violence are merely an indicator of the actual extent of right-wing violence, as we have to assume that a high number of cases remains unreported in this field of offences.

Illustration zwei Sprechblasen. Die linke Sprechblase ist orange. Darin steht der Buchstabe i in weiß. Die rechte Sprechblase ist rosa. Darin steht das Zeichen für einen Paragraphen in weiß.

Our offer.

We support you in different ways.


We counsel victims, their friends and families as well as witnesses of right-wing, racist and anti-Semitic violence after an assault.


We support victims and their families practically and politically depending on their individual needs.

Illustration: Zwei Sprechblasen, die sich überschneiden. Die linke Sprechblase ist orange, die rechte ist grau. Die Illustration steht für die Beratungsarbeit von B.U.D. Bayern.

Up-to-date and informative.

News and media.

Here you can find the latest news, press releases and updates from our counselling centre as well as from the umbrella organisation for counselling centres, VBRG.