Ausleuchten & sichtbar machen,

Report an incident

You can report any incidents that you have experienced or witnessed yourself. Your report helps us make the extent of right-wing, racist and anti-Semitic violence in Bavaria visible; You do not have to seek counseling and of course remain anonymous.

Illustration on the topic of reporting right-wing violence: two hands holding a phone, displaying a yellow triangle with a black exclamation mark. In the background, a megaphone is shown, depicted on a grey speech bubble. Next to it, a pie chart is depicted.

Why should I report an incident?

Jeden Tag werden Menschen in Deutschland aus rassistischen, antisemitischen und anderen rechten Motiven heraus bedroht und angegriffen.

Oft wird den Betroffenen von der Gesellschaft und den Behörden kein Gehör geschenkt. In vielen Fällen rechter Gewalt machen die Behörden die Tat nicht öffentlich oder verschweigen die rechte Tatmotivation. Die alltägliche Gewalt wird dadurch unsichtbar. Wir als Beratungsstelle wollen rechte, rassistische und antisemitische Gewalt in Bayern sichtbar machen. Dabei sind wir auf Ihre Hilfe angewiesen: Mit jeder Meldung tragen Sie dazu bei, das Dunkelfeld rechter Gewalt ein Stück weiter auszuleuchten.


Was passiert nach Ihrer Meldung?

Wenn Sie Ihre Kontaktdaten angegeben haben setzen sich die Mitarbeiter*innen von B.U.D. mit Ihnen in Verbindung, um Ihnen Fragen zu Ihrer Meldung zu stellen und Sie bei Bedarf zu unterstützen. Wenn Sie einverstanden sind wird der Vorfall in der Chronik auf unserer Homepage veröffentlicht. Sie bleiben dabei selbstverständlich anonym.


Wie steht es mit der Datensicherheit?

Unsere Datenschutzbestimmungen finden Sie hier.

Secure and anonymous.

Report form.

Required fields are marked with an *.

    1. Informant*

    Who experienced the incident?*

    2. Describe the incident.*

    When did the incident occur?


    Approximate time*

    Where did the incident occur?*

    Please state the location and street (e.g. restaurant, stop, internet, etc.)

    Describe the incident.*

    Please describe what happened in your own words. Remember the Five Ws (who; what; when; where; why) and provide any details that are important to this incident.

    Additional questions (optional)

    To be able to assess the incident in more detail, we have a few more questions. These are optional and you may skip this section. Would you like to answer more questions?

    [group gruppe-optionale-antworten]

    Please select all applicable statements.

    Was the incident reported to the police?

    Why do you think the incident occurred? What motivated the offenders? Please select all applicable answers.

    What were the results and/or consequences of the incident?

    (e.g. injuries, property damage, psychological consequences). You may also provide your answers as a bullet list.


    3. Your contact details

    How can we contact you?

    Please provide some contact details so that we can get in touch. We do not release personal data and always treat it confidentially. For more information, please refer to our data policy.


    Phone number


    Do you require support from B.U.D. Bayern?*

    [group gruppe-optionen-unterstuetzung]

    Do you need a translation into a language?

    [group gruppe-sprachauswahl]

    Which language?


    [group gruppe-andere-sprache]



    May we publish the case anonymously in our chronicle?*

    Illustration depicting the areas of counselling after a right-wing attack: three speech bubbles overlapping. An orange speech bubble represents the area of counselling. A pink speech bubble represents the area of support A blue speech bubble represents the area of documentation.

    Our offer.

    How we support victims of right-wing violence.


    We counsel victims, their friends and families as well as witnesses of right-wing, racist and anti-Semitic violence after an assault.


    We support victims and their families practically and politically depending on their individual needs.


    We provide information on right-wing violence and document according incidents in Bavaria.