Illustration einer Beratungssituation. Rechts eine Person, die von rechter Gewalt betroffen ist, links daneben ein:e Angehörige:r. Gegenüber sitzt ein:e Berater:in von B.U.D. Bayern.

We are the in­de­pend­ent point of contact for victims of right-wing, racial & anti­semetic violence in Bavaria.

Advice for victims of right-wing violence.

Have you or people around you been assaulted, threatened or insulted? Or did you witness such an assault?

Do you suspect a right-wing, racist, antisemitic, social Darwinistic or an anti- LGBTIQ* motive behind the incident? B.U.D. offers advice and support:

We try to support you in mentally dealing with the incident and can also refer you to a doctor or therapist. We will explain the course of a criminal procedure to you, accompany you to the police and in court, help you with finding legal advice or with applying for compensation. We will support you in both thought and deed when it comes to asserting and strengthening your rights. If required, we can provide foreign language mediators.

You determine the kind of support we offer you.

Free of charge and confidential.

We are there for you!

We advise you for free and can visit you anywhere in Bavaria. We treat any information as confidential and work irrespective of whether a report has been filed with the police. We also advocate for your needs. If required, we can provide foreign language mediators. We provide anonymous and safe support online in German and English. Alternatively, you can write us an email in your language and we will get back to you.

Do not hesitate to contact us:

0151 21653187

Safe & anonymous.

Our online support.

Apart from personal support on-site, we also offer safe and encrypted support online in German and English. Upon request, users remain anonymous.

Icon für Information


Information according to § 5 TMG:

B.U.D.- Beratung. Unterstützung. Dokumentation für Opfer rechtsextremer Gewalt e.V.
Theresienstr. 9
90762 Fürth

Authorized representative board:
Jutta Neupert, Gottfried Rösch

Telephon: 0151 / 216 53 187

ViSdP: Jutta Neupert, Theresienstr. 9, 90762 Fürth

Register court:
Amtsgericht Fürth

taxnumber: 218 / 107 / 30738

Association registration number: VR200956

Professional liability insurance:

Insurance number: 30-4529390-24

Württembergische Versicherung

Gutenbergstraße 30
70176 Stuttgart

Advice, design and implementation: