Chronik: Neu-Ulm

A stone’s throw top candidates of Green Party

On Sunday evening, 17th of september 2023, an election campaign event of the Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen party took place on Neu-Ulm’s Petrusplatz. On the podium were the party’s top candidates, Katharina Schulze and Ludwig Hartmann. Around 7 p.m., a 44-year-old visitor threw a stone in the direction of the podium. Fortunately, he missed both speakers. The perpetrator was provisionally arrested at the venue, where he put up considerable resistance. The 44-year-old man is charged with attempted dangerous bodily harm after the incident. He also now has to answer for violations of the Assembly Act.

Source: police

Mask refuser kicks passenger in the face

On Saturday evening, 09.07.2022, a passenger points out to a woman in the bus from Neu-Ulm to Ludwigsfeld to put on her nose guard correctly. The future perpetrator shows solidarity with the woman. When the passenger wants to leave the bus, the perpetrator approaches him, leans on the handrails with both hands and suddenly kicks the passenger in the face with his foot. The passenger then fell to the ground and the unknown perpetrator was able to flee. The police are looking for witnesses to the attack.

Source: Police

Sachbeschädigung an Auto

In Neu-Ulm stechen Unbekannte an einem Fahrzeug, das in einer Garage im Hinterhof eines Mehrfamilienhauses geparkt ist, vier Reifen an und kratzen ein Hakenkreuz in die Motorhaube.

Quelle: Allgäu Rechtsaußen