Chronik: Rosenheim

Racist attack on 3 girls

On the way home from the Rosenheim Autumn Festival, three underage girls (13, 13, 15) were racially insulted by three adults on the evening of 31.08.2023. In addition, the police report that the girls were first jostled for no reason and then beaten.

A 27-year-old from Rosenheim rushed to the girls’ aid. The police were able to arrest two 36-year-old suspects on the spot. One of the men put up considerable resistance. The 3rd suspect was already no longer on site, but could be identified as a 24-year-old Rosenheim woman. According to police, the girls suffered injuries and shock and were picked up directly by their parents.

Source: PNP

Attack on social Center “Z”

“In the night from Saturday to Sunday (26.-27.08.2023), we, the Z – left center in Rosenheim, were once again smashed in the windows in the door. However, we will not be intimidated by such attacks and will continue as before.”

Source: Affected persons

For more than 11 years, the left-wing centre “Z” has provided emancipatory, socially and ecologically committed groups, initiatives and individuals in the Upper Bavarian hinterland with a free space for solidarity and left-wing political work. In order to continue to preserve this space and, among other things, to repair the damage caused, here is a small appeal for donations:

The Z is financed exclusively on the basis of donations / through membership fees.

For example, become a sustaining member or donate a small amount (preferably monthly).


IBAN: DE75 4306 0967 2031 5923 01 (account holder: VKKW)


Keyword: Z Rosenheim

“I was attacked by 15 socalled Querdenkern”

At around 8 p.m. on Monday evening, January 24th, 2022, demonstrating pandemic deniers attacked a member of the Jusos in Rosenheim, who was watching the march and was carrying a Jusos flag.. The violent mob attacked and injured the young man and also beat bystanders who tried to help. The police are investigating aggravated assault.

Source: Twitter

Morddrohungen gegen CSU-Bundestags­abgeordneten

Ende April werden in einer Rosenheimer Telegrammgruppe von Unternehmer*innen Morddrohungen gegen den Bundestagsabgeordneten der CSU Alexander Radwan geäußert. Radwan hatte der „Bundesnotbremse“ zur Senkung der Coronainfektionen zugestimmt. Die Äußerungen nehmen dabei Bezug auf den Mord am CDU-Politiker Walter Lübcke im Juni 2019.

Quelle: BR24