With our new poster, we would like to make a central offer of our counseling center even better known: “Report right-wing violence!” is the core message.
Every day, people in Germany are threatened and attacked for racist, anti-Semitic and other right-wing motives. Often, those affected are not listened to by society and the authorities. In many cases of right-wing violence, the authorities do not make the crime public or conceal the right-wing motivation for the crime. As a counseling center, we want to make right-wing violence visible. Therefore, we call on you to report incidents of right-wing violence that you have experienced or observed yourself. You do not have to seek counseling and of course remain anonymous. Reporting is possible via website, phone and app.
With our new poster, we want to reach even more victims and witnesses of right-wing violence to offer our support and document the extent of the incidents. You can view the poster here and order it for free in the sizes DIN A1 and DIN A3 by e-mail.