On 18th of February 2023, a diverse conspiracy ideological spectrum gathered at Königsplatz in Munich on the occasion of the Munich Security Conference. Among others, the group “München steht auf” (“Munich stands up”), which was founded at the beginning of the pandemic in protest against the Corona measures, had called for the demonstration and now unites a wide spectrum of extreme right-wing and conspiracy ideological activists – with topics ranging from anti-vaccination to Putin solidarity. Well-known AfD functionaries, so-called “Reich citizens” and members of the “Free Saxons” also appeared at the demonstration.
While documenting the demonstration, a journalist was first verbally attacked by a participant, then the perpetrator tried to snatch the camera from him. After these attacks, the journalist decided to move away from the aggressive participant. When the victim turned around and started to walk away, the perpetrator pulled him to the ground from behind and knelt on his legs for a short time. Even after the assault, there was further harassment and filming of the journalist by those around him. The victim filed a complaint for assault and attempted robbery.
Source: Affected person