Unknown person threatens to blow up test centers

On 10.02.22 an unknown person threatened to blow up all test centers in Würzburg in e-mails addressed to several media and the city of Würzburg. The police then initiated security and control measures, an explosion did not occur. The anonymous sender is searched for....

Data leak

On February 8, 2022, an interactive online map with more than 23,000 personal data of alleged Antifa activists was published. Including numerous names and addresses in Bavaria. The personal data was generated during an earlier hacker attack in 2016 on the punk mail...

Mask refuser hits employee in supermarket

On February 5th, 2022, a man in Hof became violent in a supermarket on Christoph-Klauß-Strasse: After he was told that he was not wearing an FFP2 mask, he is said to have hit the employee several times with an umbrella, causing injuries. The police are looking for the...

Conspiracy followers attack journalist

On 15.01.2022 an unannounced meeting of corona deniers took place in Passau. A journalist, who wanted to observe and document the situation, was attacked by several participants of the “walk”: a group of about 20 people harassed the journalist and shouted...

Reichsbürger zeigt Hitlergruß

Am 24.01.2022 wurde ein 63- Jähriger in einer Metzgereifiliale in Ansbach auf die Tragepflicht einer FFP2-Maske hingewiesen. Daraufhin reagierte er bereits aggressiv und schrie die anwesenden Personen an. Dabei hob er den rechten Arm und zeigte den Hitlergruß. Als...