A chronicle of right-wing violence.

Lettering of youth center changed

In Pfarrkirchen in the district of Rottal-Inn, the lettering of the youth center was changed by unknown persons so that “Judenzentrum” could then be read. One letter was stolen, the others rearranged. One letter was stolen, the others rearranged.

Meanwhile, young people from Pfarrkirchen responded with a creative action, which can now also be seen on Instagram. They designed posters for the JUZ windows on the ground floor. These read, among other things: YES, we are a Jewish center! Because we are also a: Christian Center, Buddhist Center, Rap Center, Sports Center, Ball Center, Muslim Center, Cultural Center, Fun Center, Hippie Center, Punk Center.” Also mentioned: Human Center, Peace Center, Anti-Nazi Center. In the video combined with the clear message: “Anti-Semitism and racism have no place here!” The director of the youth center emphasizes: “So they want to show that the JUZ is there for everyone and they do not want to leave the action with the sign uncommented”.

Quelle: BR

Extreme right-wing disruptions and assault at memorial event and Hanukkah celebrations in Erlangen

On 19.12.2022, a demonstration took place in the city center of Erlangen in memory of Shlomo Lewin, rabbi and ex-chairman of the Jewish Community Nuremberg and his partner Frida Poeschke. They were murdered on 19 December 1980 by a member of the right-wing terrorist “Wehrsportgruppe Hoffmann”. The event, organized by the Initiative “Kritisches Gedenken” (Critical Remembrance), was disrupted by extreme right-wing slogans by two men aged 46 and 26. The 26-year-old repeatedly shouted “Heil-Hitler” in the direction of the participants. When he continued this at the final rally, the police expelled him.

A few minutes later, following the memorial demonstration, a public Hanukkah celebration took place on Huguenot Square. Together with the Lord Mayor and city councillors, the Jewish Community of Erlangen celebrated the Festival of Lights with the lighting of the second candle on the Hanukkah candlestick. The 46-year-old also disturbed this celebration with loud music. Then he threw a glass bottle at the group of people. It broke on the ground, which fortunately did not hurt anyone. The police arrested the man, during which he shouted insults, spat around and also shouted “Heil-Hitler”.

Source: BR24

Attack on synagogue

On New Year’s Eve, a 21-year-old man in Ermreuth is said to have smashed the window pane of a synagogue and tried to set the synagogue on fire. According to the Bamberg public prosecutor’s office, it is apparently “an anti-Semitic motivated crime with a right-wing extremist background”. The Munich Central Office for Combating Extremism and Terrorism is investigating the case.
The statement of a police spokesman, who denied local anti-Semitism to the Jüdische Allgemeine, caused much criticism. In the meantime, the official has qualified his statement towards the BR.
Schloss Ermreuth has been in the headlines several times because of right-wing extremism: The place was the seat of the right-wing extremist organization “Wehrsportgruppe Hoffmann”, which was banned in January 1980.

At the end of March 2023, the Munich Public Prosecutor’s Office, the central anti-Semitism commissioner of the Bavarian judiciary, brought charges against the 22-year-old suspect who carried out an arson attack on the synagogue in Ermreuth on New Year’s Eve. This was announced by the Munich Public Prosecutor’s Office on Friday, 14th of April 2023.


Süddeutsche Zeitung 10.01.2023

Nordbayerische Nachrichten 14.04.2023

Accumulation of politically motivated damage to property

Since March 2022, there has been an increased number of damage to property. Walls in Burglengenfeld were repeatedly sprayed with lettering. These often dealt with the Russian war against Ukrain and, according to police, were partly “using anti-Semitically wording”. The police have already been able to identify four suspects.

In recent weeks, however, the number of sprayed walls has risen again. On November 25th, police arrested another suspect who set fire to a “School without Racism – School with Courage” sign outside a high school. It is a 48-year-old German citizen from the city area. During the search of his home, the police were able to seize a large amount of evidence, including about 240 spray cans and graffiti templates. According to their own statement, the police “cannot assign him to a clear political background”.

Source: police

Swastika sprayed on sidewalk

In the night of 3rd and 4th of December 2022, unknown perpetrators sprayed a swastika with black paint on the sidewalk in front of a building of the Bavarian Red Cross. In addition, a van nearby was sprayed with black paint. Presumably, the two acts are the same perpetrators.

Source: police

War Flag of the “german Reich” hung up and neighbors threatened

On the evening of November 13th 2022, a 43-year-old hoisted the national socialists war flag of the “German Reich” out of his window in a residential building in the Königswiesen district. In addition, he played overloud music with the window open at night. Already during the day, the man had become conspicuous several times. His neighbours in the apartment building called the police several times, among other things, because he verbally threatened them, shouted loudly and banged on windows and doors. The flag, that is forbidden by german law, was finally secured by the police and the drunken man was placed in a specialist clinic.

Source: police

Serious arson in a refugee housing

On the evening of 23rd of october 2022, residents of a refugee shelter reported a fire in the basement of the house. The notified fire brigade was able to extinguish the fire quickly and prevent it from spreading further. All of the dozen or so residents were able to flee the building in time. However, three of the residents were injured when they took the windows outside to safety. Due to the smoke, the house is currently uninhabitable and the residents had to be accommodated elsewhere. As the Kripo Memmingen determined, the fire was deliberately set by lighting clothing in the basement. This could also have led to the death of the residents. The police are now investigating on suspicion of aggravated arson and attempted murder.

Quelle: Allgäuer Zeitung

Man refuses mask, gives Hitler salute and injures clinic staff

On Friday, 04th of november 2022, a 46-year-old man was denied access to the Forchheim Clinic because he did not comply with the hygiene regulations. He then gave the Hitler salute, uttered right-wing slogans and hit an employee in the head, injuring him. The perpetrator fled in his car, but could be identified.

Source: Nordbayern.de