A chronicle of right-wing violence.

Anti-queer insults and threats by conspiracy followers

On January 17, 2022, two bloggers from Würzburg observe a so-called “Querdenker-Demonstration”. After the demo officially ends, the two set off for home – and realize that they are being followed. In front of a supermarket they meet two counter-demonstrators. There, four of them are harassed, threatened, insulted and called queer-hostile names by a group of 15 aggressive conspiracy followers.

The police publicly announced, also due to the videos in the social media, that they had already reported the incidents to the public prosecutor’s office.





“I was attacked by 15 socalled Querdenkern”

At around 8 p.m. on Monday evening, January 24th, 2022, demonstrating pandemic deniers attacked a member of the Jusos in Rosenheim, who was watching the march and was carrying a Jusos flag.. The violent mob attacked and injured the young man and also beat bystanders who tried to help. The police are investigating aggravated assault.

Source: Twitter

Attempted arson attack on a refugee shelter

On 10/16/2021, there was an attempted arson attack on a refugee shelter in Simbach am Inn. A paper container was completely burned down, the building suffered property damage of several thousand euros. Investigators also found traces of fire on two emergency exit doors. No one was injured in the fire. A suspect was arrested.

As of Dec. 22, 2021, the attorney general’s office has taken over the investigation. It is being investigated for attempted murder and assumes a “xenophobic” motive for the crime. We consider this act to be racially motivated and can be contacted if people from the shelter would like to seek advice and support from us.

Quelle: BR

Racist assault at bus stop

An 18-year-old was waiting at a bus shelter on Hauptstraße in the Rieden district of Ichenhausen on November 7. While he was waiting there, a car stopped. A male person unknown to him got out of the vehicle and approached him. The unknown person grabbed the 18-year-old by the collar and pushed him to the ground. In addition, the 18-year-old has been addressed by this man with the following words: “go away from here” and “get out!”

After the unknown had removed itself again, the damaged one went in the direction of Halderstrasse. There again a vehicle had stopped beside him. Presumably it was the same passenger car as before at the bus shelter. This time however according to the person concerned another male person got out. This went to the damaged one and hit on this with the fists, so the police. In addition, the perpetrator had addressed the injured party, who, however, could not understand the statements. The incident was reported to the police. For the police a racist motive “is not excluded”, since the damaged person one “recognizably a foreign fellow citizen”. The police are looking for witnesses to the crime.

Quelle: Allgäu rechtsaußen

Party office of the “LINKE” attacked

Over the weekend, an as yet unknown perpetrator damaged the front window of the office of the party “Die Linke” on Mauerberg. This resulted in a crack, which extends over the entire pane. The damage is estimated at several hundred euros.

Once again there was an attack on the office of the “Die Linke” at Mauerberg 31, which the party maintains together with the member of the Bundestag Susanne Ferschl. Last year, the Augsburg “Linke” already reported to the police twice for damage to its office.

The district chairman of the Augsburg “Linke”, Frederik Hintermayr explains: “Of course, we must assume a politically motivated assault. Assaults like this are part of the strategy of right-wing radicals to create a climate of fear and to limit our ability to act politically. The assaults are against all those who stand up for humanity and social cohesion. However, these attempts at intimidation will not succeed. We continue to fight for a cosmopolitan and tolerant society.”

Quelle: Polizei Schwaben Nord

Threats and insults of the “GRÜNE” Youth

As wiesentbote.de (19.9.21) wrote, in the night from Friday to Saturday in Bayreuth campaigning activists of the “GRÜNE” Youth were attacked by suspected right-wing violent criminals.

First, at 9:30 p.m. in Von-Römer-Strasse, a group of young adults verbally attacked the campaigners and threatened them with “death and rape fantasies.”” Later that night, the GJ activists were attacked again. An unknown man kicked over a beer table “under wild insults” and threatened to burn a “GRÜNE” Youth flag they had brought with them.

The day before, the car tires of the “GRÜNE” direct candidate Susanne Bauer had also been punctured during a party event in the city center. “We have reported all incidents to the police and condemn the aggressors in the strongest possible terms. At this point, however, we would also like to expressly thank fellow citizens who showed solidarity with us during and after the incidents,” commented Johanna Schmidtmann, spokesperson for the GRÜNE Youth Bayreuth.

Quellen: Nazistopp Nürnberg, Der Neue Wiesentbote

Körperverletzung und Beleidigungen

Am 14.8.2021 gegen 18 Uhr hielten sich zwei junge Männer zunächst vor und dann in dem Einkaufsmarkt in der Sonneberger Straße auf. Dort wurden sie von einem Radfahrer beleidigt. Als beide Männer das Geschäft wieder verließen, schlug der ihnen unbekannte Radfahrer im Vorbeifahren einem von ihnen in den Nacken. Kurz darauf kam ein offenbar mit dem Radfahrer näher bekannter Mann dazu. Laut Polizeiangaben beleidigten dann beide gemeinsam „die 20 und 21 Jahre alten Syrer mit ausländerfeindlichen Äußerungen“.

Quelle: Polizei Oberfranken

Rassistische und antimuslimische Drohungen

In der Nacht zum 16.8.2021 sind am Haus einer Hersbruckerin antimuslimische und rassistische Schmierzettel angebracht worden. Die Anwohnerin fühlt sich bedroht und hat Anzeige erstattet. Die Türkische Gemeinde in der Metropolregion Nürnberg (TGMN) ist ebenfalls besorgt über diesen Fall von antimuslimischem Rassismus und Islamfeindlichkeit im Nürnberger Land. Bereits im März 2020 wurden u.a. ein Moscheeverein und verschiedene Politiker*innen im Nürnberger Land durch die mittlerweile verurteilte Rechtsterroristin Susanne G. bedroht. Die Türkische Gemeinde stellt nun diese erneuten Drohungen in einen Zusammenhang mit einem ‚mutmaßlich in Mittelfranken vorhandenen Netzwerk von Neonazis‘.

Quelle: BR

Vier Menschen in einer Bar angegriffen und schwer verletzt

Um 4 Uhr am Morgen des 31.7.2021 beleidigten zwei Männer die Angestellten einer Bar rassistisch und homofeindlich und verletzten im weiteren Tatverlauf vier Menschen. Einen davon so schwer, dass die Polizei nun wegen versuchten Mordes ermittelt, wie diese am Freitag (06.08.2021) mitteilte.

Nach Angaben eines Polizeisprechers soll das Duo zunächst zwei in der Bar angestellte Frauen rassistisch und homofeindlich beleidigt haben. Der Betreiber der Bar verwies die Männer des Lokals, worauf diese auf ihn einschlugen. Ein Gast kam dem Wirt zu Hilfe und wurde daraufhin von den 2 Männern ebenfalls verprügelt und durch Tritte gegen den Kopf stark verletzt. Auch die beiden Angestellten wurden im Verlauf der Auseinandersetzung von den Männern angegriffen und verletzt. Die Kripo Ansbach ermittelt nun wegen versuchten Mordes und ist auf der Suche nach Zeug*innen. 

Quelle: Polizei Mittelfranken

Drohungen und Beschimpfungen

Immer wieder kommt es bei Versammlungen von Corona-Leugner*innen zu Angriffen auf Journalist*innen und Medienberichterstatter*innen.

So berichtet beispielsweise das Bündnis Nürnberg Nazistopp, dass am 21. Juni 2021 in Nürnberg Berichterstatter*innen als “Volksverhetzer und Volksverräter” bepöbelt wurden. In Bamberg ging es am selben Tag noch härter zur Sache: Da wurden zum Beispiel folgende Drohungen ausgesprochen: “Schau bloß, dass du dir den Rücken freihältst!” oder “”Wenn du noch mal Fotos machst, dann komme ich rüber!”.

Quelle: Nürnberg Nazistopp