A chronicle of right-wing violence.

Attack after CSD visit

After attending Christopher Street Day on 15th of july 2023, six people in Bayreuth were insulted and attacked in a queer-hostile manner. A group of about ten men insulted several participants on Saturday evening at around 8 p.m. in the aftermath of Christopher Street Day, initially at the central bus stop in Bayreuth. When the six people ran in the direction of Hohenzollernring, the unknown perpetrators chased them, spat on them and tried to injure them by kicking.

Source: police

Arson attack on restaurant

A 32-year-old tries to set fire to a Thai restaurant in Rain in October 2022. In court, his defense attorney emphasizes that it is not “xenophobia.” But it is clear from the statements made by the perpetrator in court that he holds racist views. In addition to the attempted arson attack on the restaurant, the perpetrator threw a beer bottle and a granite stone against the front door at a kebab snack bar in Rain and left some messages. In addition, he put further messages and a knife in the mailbox of the Rain police station, the evaluation of which put the officers on the trail of the accused.

In July 2023, the court sentenced the perpetrator to two years in prison and suspended it. He must also complete 160 hours of community service and five sessions on alcohol.

Quelle: Augsburger Allgemeine

Prevented arson in shelter for refugees

On 19 of august 2023, a fire broke out in a shelter for refugees in the early hours of the morning. Shortly before 3 a.m., the Danube-Iller Integrated Control Center received notification of a triggered fire alarm system in a building in Mühlstraße. A resident of the property had been woken up by a smoke detector and thus became aware of a fire at the main entrance of the building. Here he discovered a burning stroller parked next to the front door. The stroller was immediately taken out of the building by the resident. By the time the fire brigade arrived, the stroller had already been extinguished by the resident. No people were injured in the fire, the property damage amounts to around 150 euros, and there was no damage to the building. Since the cause of the fire has not yet been clarified, witnesses are asked to report information to the Burgau police station. There have already been a number of arsons in Burgau in recent weeks. As a counselling centre for victims of right-wing violence, we perceive the selection of accommodation for refugees as the target of another arson attack and place this attempt in the currently increasingly observable nationwide right-wing mobilisation against refugees and their accommodation.

Quelle: Augsburger Allgemeine

Racist attack on city festival

On 20.08.2023, a racially motivated attack on a 15-year-old occurred as part of the “Further Drachenstich”: At around 0.50 a.m., three young people attacked a 15-year-old who was behind the festival hall on Zippererweg. The three suspects racially insulted the 15-year-old and beat him. Several witnesses intervened, and another 15-year-old also suffered a blow from the group of perpetrators.

Source: Mittelbayerische Zeitung

Anti-Muslim attack in Chateaudun Park

On 24.07.2023 there was an anti-Muslim attack in Chateaudun Park. According to police, a 36-year-old woman had insulted a passer-by “probably because of her headscarf in a xenophobic manner” and also physically attacked the victim. Meanwhile, the 36-year-old continued to utter racist insults and showed the “Hitler salute”.

Source: police report

Racist threats

“My white colleague and I were on our way to the S-Bahn and were then spat on by a middle-aged white man at the bicycle parking lots, who came towards us scolding. We weren’t quite sure what his exact motive was at the time. Today, on 15th of august 2023 at 4:45 p.m., I met him again in the city center. I was on the phone and he suddenly stood right in front of me and clenched his hand into a fist and held it directly in front of my face. There were other people around me, but they were all white. I have brown skin. He didn’t say anything, but he threatened to beat me. I stepped aside and he threatened with his fist and grimaced. I quickly walked into a store. I felt very helpless and alone. I looked around several times on the way to the S-Bahn because I was really scared.”

Source: Affected person

Racist attack and dismissal of proceedings

On November 26th 2022, a racially motivated attack occurred in Dachau’s Old Town. Around 2 o’clock in the morning, 2 men left the restaurant “Roxy” in the direction of Mittermayerstraße and racially insulted a 39-year-old several times on their way. He then wanted to confront them, it came to a quarrel and the 39-year-old was attacked, beaten and injured. The person concerned filed a complaint and was then confronted with a counter-complaint himself. In July 2023, the trial took place at the Dachau District Court. On the grounds that it was not apparent that the attitude of the two perpetrators had been “in trouble” in the long term, the proceedings against a 33-year-old from Dachau and a 25-year-old from Munich at the Dachau district court were discontinued – without hearing any further witnesses. Then another day of trial would have had to be scheduled, in which, according to the Süddeutsche Zeitung, neither the prosecutor, nor the judge, nor the two defense lawyers have an increased interest. With the condition to the two perpetrators to transfer 1250 euros each to the Munich association Refugee Aid, the case goes to the files. The proceedings against the person concerned himself were discontinued before the hearing at the Dachau District Court. According to the public prosecutor’s office, the 39-year-old from Dachau only defended himself.

Source: Süddeutsche Zeitung

“NSU – Reichsbürger” threaten Nuremberg Mayor König and his family

On 20.7.23, Nuremberg’s Mayor Marcus König publishes a hate letter that has reached him in this way. He posted a photo on social networks showing a short letter. The content of the letter makes clear threats against him and his family. The specific wording can be found in the linked newspaper article. This message of hatred is signed with “Greeting NSU-REICHSBÜRGER Nürnbergs”.

Source: Nordbayern

Anti-LGBTIQ* attack

On Sunday evening, 23rd of July 2023, a 15-year-old met three teenagers at Barbarossaplatz who were previously unknown to him. They spoke to him about his appearance and insulted him in a queer-hostile manner. In the further course, an attacker pulled a pocket knife and injured the 15-year-old in the neck. After the attack, the three attackers fled in the direction of Würzburg’s city center. The 15-year-old had to be treated in hospital.

Source: Nordbayern