On 11th of march 2022 between 10 and 11 pm an unknown person smashed a window pane in a kebab snack bar with a stone. As a result, both the entrance door and the shop window were damaged.
Source: police report
On 11th of march 2022 between 10 and 11 pm an unknown person smashed a window pane in a kebab snack bar with a stone. As a result, both the entrance door and the shop window were damaged.
Source: police report
Mr. G. is shopping with his children on 17.03.2022. Meanwhile, his wife is waiting in the parking lot and is massively racially insulted by a passer-by out of nowhere. She does not want to file a complaint, based on previous experience with the police. She thinks that nothing will change as a result.
Due to the incident, Mrs. G. is psychologically heavily burdened.
Source: Affected person
According to the police, a 53-year-old man entered a clothing store without a mouthguard in Neutraubling in the district of Regensburg on 19.03.22 . When a cashier asked him to put on a mask, the man began to riot and hit the cashier in the face, injuring her. Criminal proceedings were initiated against the man for bodily injury.
Quelle: Mittelbayerische
On the evening of 10.03.2022, the resident of an apartment building finds a still glowing pizza box in front of his apartment door. According to the media report, the police are investigating arson. In the days that followed, an unknown person smeared an anti-Semitic slogan on the young man’s apartment door. This incident will also be reported. As a result, the young man and his partner temporarily leave the apartment because they no longer feel safe there. On 29.03.2022, residents notice traces of fire and hot glue residues on this door. They inform the police. The police arrive, but do not meet anyone, as the persons concerned are not on site until further notice.
On 28.04.2022, the young man returns to the apartment and notices signs of burglary around the door lock. The police have already left the place, so he contacts a commissioner who was involved in the case. Evidence suggests that a neighbor could be connected to the incidents.
Source: Affected person
At a school in Gundelsheim, posters with slogans against the Corona measures duly applied by the school appeared as early as mid-January. Now, in the period from Friday (January 28) to Monday (January 31), several slips of paper were placed in the area of the gymnasium and in the entrance area of the school.
This time it had been death threats against the school management and teachers in connection with the Corona measures.
“It was recorded as a report by the police and the Commissariat for State Protection Crimes of the Bamberg Criminal Investigation Department is now investigating on suspicion of threats and threats of criminal acts,” described the spokesman for the Upper Franconia Police Headquarters.
Source: Infranken.de
On 10.02.22 an unknown person threatened to blow up all test centers in Würzburg in e-mails addressed to several media and the city of Würzburg. The police then initiated security and control measures, an explosion did not occur. The anonymous sender is searched for.
Source: Nordbayern
On February 8, 2022, an interactive online map with more than 23,000 personal data of alleged Antifa activists was published. Including numerous names and addresses in Bavaria.
The personal data was generated during an earlier hacker attack in 2016 on the punk mail order “Impact”. The customer data had been captured and published by right-wing extremists and has since been repeatedly disseminated on the Internet by various right-wing actors.
By disseminating the personal data, an enemy marking takes place again and again and this is accompanied by a potential danger.
Eventually, reporting the site to the hosting provider resulted in the site being taken offline. Nevertheless, the perpetrators can still have access to the data, even if it is no longer public.
Source: Twitter
On February 5th, 2022, a man in Hof became violent in a supermarket on Christoph-Klauß-Strasse: After he was told that he was not wearing an FFP2 mask, he is said to have hit the employee several times with an umbrella, causing injuries. The police are looking for the perpetrator and are asking for witnesses.
Source: BR24
On 15.01.2022 an unannounced meeting of corona deniers took place in Passau. A journalist, who wanted to observe and document the situation, was attacked by several participants of the “walk”: a group of about 20 people harassed the journalist and shouted his name to intimidate him. Perpetrator 1 kicked him in the back, perpetrator 2 poured coffee in the journalist’s face. The police are investigating aggravated assault.
Source: Social Media
Am 24.01.2022 wurde ein 63- Jähriger in einer Metzgereifiliale in Ansbach auf die Tragepflicht einer FFP2-Maske hingewiesen. Daraufhin reagierte er bereits aggressiv und schrie die anwesenden Personen an. Dabei hob er den rechten Arm und zeigte den Hitlergruß. Als eine verständigte Polizeistreife eintraf, wies er sich mit einem „Reichsbürgerausweis“ aus.
Der Mann wurde zur Personalienfeststellung zur Polizeiinspektion mitgenommen und erhält nun Anzeigen nach dem Infektionsschutzgesetz, Verwenden verfassungsfeindlicher Kennzeichen und Urkundenfälschung. Der Reichsbürgerausweis wurde sichergestellt.
Quelle: Polizeimeldung